it involves the creation and transfer of embryos resulting from donor eggs and donor sperm
it is indicated for:
- infertility of both partners
- women who cannot use their own eggs and wish to use donor sperm
- the procedure can be done after the recipient is synchronised with the donor and the embryo transfer will be done with fresh embryos
- embryos can be created and frozen in advance after a suitable donor has been selected, in that case :
- either the natural cycle of the recipient is followed and when ovulation is detected, the embryo transfer takes place 5 days later
- or the recipient is taking hormones (oestrogens) to prepare her endometrium from 2nd day of the cycle. On day 10 of the cycle, an ultrasound is performed to check the endometrial thickness and decide the day of embryo transfer after starting progesterone for 6 days.
the embryo transfer window is within day 16 to 21 of woman’s cycle approximately
how is the donor selected?
the woman/couple informs the clinic about the criteria in terms of external characteristics and then they are selected based on them.
donors are tested for fertility before they are accepted into the donation program
subsequently, based on Greek legislation, they are tested for sexually transmitted diseases and genetically inherited diseases
a psychological assessment is carried out to determine their suitability.
it is possible for couples/women to choose cryopreserved oocytes and donor sperm from foreign (within the EU) banks and send them to the clinic and then we can proceed with the creation of their embryos