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refers to the presence of 2 or more miscarriages with the same partner

tests to investigate recurrent miscarriages:

genetic testing:

karyotype for both partners – exclusion of genetic abnormalities of the parents that are passed on to the embryos

pregnancy/ fetal karyotype test to exclude genetic disorders of the fetus that led to miscarriage

thrombophilia and Antiphospholipid Syndrome Control

hormone tests

checking thyroid function (TSH), PRL and insulin resistance

antinuclear antibodies


1. to rule out the existence of an anatomical abnormality, such as a septum or other congenital abnormalities of the uterus
2. to exclude the presence of small polyps not visible on ultrasound or submucosal fibroids
3. to exclude endometritis and take a sample of endometrial tissue to assess the uterine microbiome

sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI) 

microbiome of the uterus

exclude or treat pathogenic bacteria in the uterus and checking the status of the lactobacilli important for implantation

histocompatibility testing for both partners – DQAmatch

pre-implantation diagnosis

treatment – adjusted based on the cause found…