microfertilisation (ICSI) is a method of assisted reproduction in which a single spermatozoon is injected directly into the egg
it is indicated for:
- in cases of male infertility, such as oligoasthenozoospermia (few motile spermatozoa), high sperm DNA fragmentation, morphological abnormalities, etc.
- in cases where the oocytes have been found to have a transparent zone that is thicker and harder than normal, which prevents sperm penetration
- there have been previous unsuccessful attempts with the conventional IVF method and low fertilisation rates have been observed
with IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Injection Technique), an even more specialised method of microfertilisation, the embryologist selects the best morphologically and healthiest sperm. The IMSI technique helps improve the success rate in cases with poor sperm morphology
in the PICSI technique, spermatozoa are selected for fertilisation based on their ability to bind to hyaluronic acid, a substance that surrounds the egg and plays an important role in the egg-sperm junction
it is indicated:
- in cases of failure or low success rate after previous ICSI attempts
- in cases of poor quality embryos, or embryos that do not develop sufficiently
- for male infertility and with high sperm DNA fragmentation (DFI) levels