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infusion of plasma with a high concentration of platelets and growth hormones (platelet-rich plasma: PRP) derived from the breakdown of platelets (elements of circulating blood)

is it possible to regenerate ovarian tissue?

in our time it has become a reality!

in the recent past, patients with premature menopause or low ovarian reserve were forced to resort to egg donation without any alternative

PRP infusion in the ovaries has come to offer significant hope and change the scenery in IVF

PRP is indicated for women:

with low ovarian reserve or low egg quality

of advanced reproductive age to increase their chances of pregnancy without resorting to egg donation

how it works and how regeneration is achieved:

it inhibits the continuous destruction of ovarian cells and at the same time awakens the remaining ones

it aims to produce better quality eggs or even increase the number of eggs

when it takes place:

PRP can be administered on any day of the cycle but preferably in the first follicular phase and after menstruation

what is the procedure:

in the first stage, a simple blood sample is taken and growth factors found in platelets and white blood cells are isolated from the patient’s blood, PRP (PlateletRichPlasma).

the fluid is then injected into the ovaries in two ways

transvaginally under the guidance of an ultrasound or laparoscopically in  case of small ovaries

when the effect of PRP starts:

the effect of PRP starts in the next two weeks and can last up to six months but the main effect is in the first two months

the effectiveness of PRP depends on:

the age of the patient

from the existing ovarian activity

advantages of PRP:

an increase in the number of follicles in the ovaries

improvement of egg quality and increasement of the chances of pregnancy at advanced reproductive age

additional advantages

  • delaying the onset of menopause
  • improvement of menopausal symptoms, temporarily and during the period of infusions.

success cannot be 100% guaranteed, on the other hand it is not accompanied by any long-term complications

our experience so far has shown us excellent results with menstrual resumption in women with premature menopause, natural conceptions in women with low ovarian reserve (poor responders) and improvement in egg number and quality and eventually in achieving pregnancy in women undergoing IVF


a healthy, normal endometrial thickness with no signs of inflammation is a key factor in the implantation of a normal embryo

it is indicated for women with:

thin endometrial thickness

endometritis – inflammation of the endometrium


repeated implantation failures

how it works:

stimulates cell proliferation and regeneration due to the large amount of growth factors and cytokines it contains

how it’s done:

in the first stage, a simple blood sample is taken and growth factors found in platelets and white blood cells, PRP, are isolated from the patient’s blood

then the fluid is injected into the endometrial cavity under ultrasound guidance without anesthesia like embryo transfer